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How To Reduce The Moisture Content Of Sludge?

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Optimize centrifuge operating parameters


Increase the drum speed:

Increasing the drum speed will increase the centrifugal force acting on the sludge, thereby increasing the centrifugal sedimentation rate and helping to reduce the moisture content of the sludge. However, it should be noted that too high a speed may cause the sludge flocs to decompose and break, which will affect the dehydration effect and increase equipment wear. Generally, a drum speed between 2600-2850rpm is considered to be optimal.

When the sludge properties are good, the drum speed can be controlled at around 2660rpm: when the sludge properties are poor, especially in winter, it can be appropriately increased to 2850rpm.

Adjust differential speed:

The differential speed is an important factor to consider when operating a horizontal screw centrifuge. It directly affects the efficiency of the screw propeller and the residence time of the sludge in the centrifuge. Maintaining a moderate differential speed (about 45r/min) can greatly improve the dewatering effect of the sludge and reduce its moisture content at the slag outlet. However, too high a differential speed will hinder the sedimentation and separation process of the solid and liquid phases in the sedimentation section, resulting in a longer dewatering time in the drying section and ultimately a higher moisture content. Choosing the right differential speed is essential for the optimal performance of a horizontal screw centrifuge. By maintaining a moderate speed of about 45r/min, you can greatly enhance the dehydration process and reduce the water content. However, be careful not to use too high a speed as this will hinder the sedimentation and separation process, resulting in longer dehydration times and higher water contents.

Improve sludge pretreatment


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